This workshop builds on prior learning about all the families of poses (standing poses, backbends, inversions, etc.). Here we focus on how to design complete classes based on the informed ordering of poses. The basic question we address is, “why this pose before or after that pose?”

Rather than random or excessively creative sequencing, this workshop is based on how the body works and how to make the practice of asanas as safe, accessible, yet as deep as possible.

Includes a two-hour lecture on the essential principles of sequencing and in-depth presentations on how to link poses within and between families of poses.
Participants collaborate in small groups to craft a variety of classes for different levels of students, styles of yoga, and class intentions; these are presented to the entire workshop for discussion, critique, and refinement.

Applies and expands prior learning about functional anatomy, bio-mechanics, kinesiology and other elements of the practice.

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Display Date
June 13-15, 2014