Paperback, 434 pages
Publisher: North Atlantic Books, 2024
ISBN 97816231788802
Dimensions: 8 x 10
Also in eBook format
Teaching Yoga -- featured
“Mark Stephens’s all-encompassing tome for both new and experienced teachers provides an exhaustive overview of philosophy, history, yoga styles, and guidelines for practice... Authoritative and engaging, but never dogmatic, Teaching Yoga will help instructors fine-tune their classroom skills and empower their personal practice.”
– Yoga International
ty testimonial - featured
“Whether you’re already a yoga teacher, aspiring to be one, or just seeking to deepen your understanding and practice of yoga, Mark Stephens’ thoughtful, eloquent, and thorough book would be a valuable addition to your library”
— Yoga Journal
Teaching Yoga, now in its 2nd edition, is the definitive and most comprehensive text on how to teach yoga. It provides a broad overview of yoga histories and philosophies, subtle energy, and fundamental of yoga anatomy of teachers before going into depth on the practical methods and techniques for teaching highly effective classes to a diverse array of students. Special focus is given to the art of yoga sequencing, language, setting, vibe, pace, observation, and the needs of unique students, within and far beyond the poses.
This readily accessible book is written to serve a diverse range of yoga teachers – not just those teaching within one style, brand or lineage. Its eclectic perspective encourages teachers to be their creative best while clear in understanding the foundational of the art and science of teaching yoga.
Available in 12 languages.

PRAISE FOR Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques
Ganga White TY

"Teaching Yoga is an urgently needed manual that will be a valuable tool in the arsenal of aspiring yoga teachers to add perspective and to hone their skills. It provides a wealth of foundational information, advice, tips, guidance, and grist for the mill."
– Ganga White, founder, White Lotus Yoga Foundation, Santa Barbara, California, author, Yoga Beyond Belief: Insights to Awaken and Deepen Your Practice
Praise for teaching Yoga

Mark Stephens, a teacher of teachers, has created a comprehensive and inspiring guide for yoga teachers and serious practitioners alike...a brilliant merger of traditional wisdom with contemporary rigor and insight. It should be on the shelf of everyone who loves the practice of yoga." –
Sally Kempton, author, Meditation for the Love Of It and Awakening Shakti
Joel Kramer TY

"Comprehensive, deeply insightful, and chock full of tips and techniques for teaching and doing yoga, Mark Stephens' Teaching Yoga will be required reading for yoga teachers, teacher trainers, and serious students alike. We heartily recommend this essential new contribution to the conscious evolution of yoga."
– Joel Kramer, coauthor with Diana Alstad of The Passionate Mind Revisited: Expanding Personal and Social Awareness
Erich Schiffmann TY

"Teaching Yoga is friendly, well thought out, helpful, clear, and tremendously thorough. Many people will benefit from this gift, it being exactly what is needed to help a growing teacher teach at his or her best. I'm glad it is finally in print and it is coming out just in time for my next teacher training!"
– Erich Schiffmann, author, Yoga:The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness

"Yoga teachers and their students will love this book. Mark Stephens untangles the complexities of yoga, giving teachers a rich array of practical teaching tools. Teaching Yoga should be in the hands of every teacher and dedicated student."
– Seane Corn, author, Revolution of the Soul
Shiva Rea

"Mark Stephens' offering to yoga teachers provides practical tools and inspiration for the path that embraces all forms of embodied yoga. There are hard-to-find gems that make this a great resource, from the section of the mythological meaning behind the asanas to teaching cues for the core asanas and sequencing tools from vinyasa krama. Enjoy this great resource and dive deep into your own transformation of teaching yoga."
– Shiva Rea, yoga teacher, author, Tending the Heart Fire
Foreword by Mariel Hemingway
Chapter 1: From Ancient Roots of Modern Yoga
- The Time of the Vedas
- The Upanishads
- The Bhagavad Gita
- The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali
- Tantra
- Hatha Yoga
- Toward Modern Hatha Yoga
- Yoga's Journey to the West
- A Teacher's Palette of Styles
Chapter 2: Subtle Energy and Traditional Yoga Anatomy
- Nadis
- Prana and Pranaya-Vayus
- Chakras
- Mudras and Bandhas
- The Map of the Five Sheaths
- Gunas and Desire
- Highlighting Subtle Energy in Classes
Chapter 3: Body Structure and Movement
- The Feet and Ankles
- The Knees
- The Pelvis and Hips
- The Trunk and Spine
- The Shoulders, Arms, and Hands
- Anatomy in Teaching
Chapter 4: Creating Space for Self-Transformation
- The Physical Setting
- Classroom Setup and Orientation
- Class Levels and Prerequisites
- Class Etiquette
- Waking up the Spiritual Environment
- Archetypes and Mythology
- Creating a Happy Space
- A Space for Healing and Awakening
- Holding Integrated Space
- Teaching Who Is in Front of You
- Learning Styles
- Voice and Language
Chapter 5: Techniques and Tools in Teaching Yoga
- Basic Elements of Asana Practice
- Instructing Asanas
- General Principles in Giving Physical Cues and Adjustments
- Modifications, Variations, and the Use of Props
- Bringing It All Together
Chapter 6: Teaching Asanas
- Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutations)
- Standing Asanas
- Open Hip Standing Asanas
- Closed Hip Standing Asanas
- Standing Balancer Asanas
- Core Refinement
- Arm Balances
- Backbends
- Seated and Supine Twists
- Forward Bends and Hip Openers
- Inversions
- Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Chapter 7: Teaching Pranayama
- The Discovery and Development of Pranayama
- The Modern Science of Respiration
- Teaching Basic Breath Awareness
- Refining the Flow of Breath
- Ujjayi Pranayama: Basic Yogic Breathing
- Deepening the Pranayama Practice
- Consciously Cultivating Energy
Chapter 8: Teaching Meditation
- Patanjali’s Path of Meditation
- Taking One Seat
- Six Guided Meditation Techniques
- When to Meditate
- Meditating Amid the Flow of Bodymind and Breath
Chapter 9: Specialized Teaching
- New to Yoga
- Working with Injuries
- Working with Depression
- Working with Pregnant Students
- Teaching in Alternative Settings
- Reflections on Specialized Teaching
Chapter 10: Sequencing and Planning Classes
- Principles of Sequencing
- The Basic Arc Structure of Classes
- Sequencing Within and Across Asana Families
- Planning Specific Classes
Chapter 11: The Yoga Profession
- Yoga Teacher Training
- Apprenticing
- Teaching Opportunities and Remuneration
- Cultivating Abundance
- Preserving Abundance
- The Path of the Teacher
- Appendix A: Yoga Teaching Resources
- Appendix B: Glossary
- Appendix C: List of Asanas
- Appendix D: Asana Elements
About the Author