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Evocative and provocative conversations about the interrelations of
yoga, science, philosophy, history, wellbeing, aesthetics, myth, and
ecology with well-known and hidden voices from around the world.
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The Yoga Room is a place for exploring the meaning and relevance of yoga in the here and now. Appreciating yoga as a holistic practice, we actively engage ideas from within and outside the yoga-verse – from science and mythology, pedagogy and politics, aesthetics and ecology, and most of all from the experience of living – all with the aim of deeper understanding, clearer awareness, and more meaningful lives.
Tens of millions of people worldwide do yoga. With a seemingly infinite array of styles and techniques to match our diverse conditions and intentions, there are many ways people connect with yoga – and just as many ways that we can consciously connect yoga with our larger lives. Mark’s monologues and conversations with well-known and hidden or emergent voices from around the world evoke a rich expression of ideas about nuances of yoga and our relationships with ourselves and one another.

Author of Teaching Yoga, Yoga Sequencing, Yoga Adjustments, Yoga Therapy, and Yoga for Better Sleep, all available in several languages.
Practicing yoga since 1991, Mark is inspired to share yoga in ways that are accessible, sustainable, and meaningful to all who wish to make their lives better and the world a better place for all. He lives in Santa Cruz, California and teaches globally.