A Little Book of Theory & Principles & 500+ Pics on Cards

Cards: 105
Booklet: 115 pages
Publisher: North Atlantic Books, 2020
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1623174554
ISBN-13: 978-1623174552
Dimensions: 4.7 x 2.5 x 6.6 inches
A quintessential resource for yoga teachers to master the art and practice of adjustments, assists, and alignments–based on Stephens’ best-selling Yoga Adjustments.
This deck empowers yoga teachers and trainers to understand the principles of hands-on yoga teaching and apply the most effective methods of tactile cueing to improve alignment, support stable foundations, and honor safe biomechanics. Focusing specifically on teaching effective alignments and safe adjustments, it includes 105 full-color yoga cards with instructional photos, color-coded by type of posture. An accompanying booklet provides detailed explanations of how to assist students in a variety of poses so users are equipped with practical guidance for in-class adjustments. The cards are a perfect companion for new teachers to use as flash cards, experienced teachers who need to make adjustments on the fly, and home practitioners with a deep personal practice.

PRAISE FOR The Yoga Adjustments Deck
Cyndi Lee YA

I’m very excited about Mark Stephens new book, Yoga Adjustments: Philosophy, Principles and Techniques, which offers an invaluable service to the yoga community -- teachers, aspiring teachers and yoga students. As yoga’s popularity grows, we need our yoga teachers to mature as well, and Mark has given them a superb guidebook for making smart, safe, clear asana adjustments that further our understanding and deepen our experience of yoga. In this way, the benefits of Mark’s expertise extends beyond the yoga community by demonstrating how healthy environments can be created in which any body can practice yoga with confidence.
– Cyndi Lee, founder, NYC’s Om Yoga, author, May I be Happy and Yoga Body, Buddha Mind
Richard Freeman YA

Mark Stephens’ Yoga Adjustments is an important contribution to the ongoing evolution of yoga teaching and practice...[W]e all need to look intelligently at their mechanics, purposes and ethics. Stephens’ Yoga Adjustments is a wonderfully detailed resource for our investigation.
– Richard Freeman, director, The Yoga Workshop, author, The Mirror of Yoga
Shiva Rea YA

I love that Mark Stephens has covered not just the bio-mechanics of hands-on assists and the spectrum from technical support to subtle energetic direction but also the internal dynamics and ethics that the power of touch brings up in people of all walks of life. Mark offers practical insights, including the many dimensions of respecting a person’s process, injuries and tweaks and the important boundaries that are necessary for entering this territory that is often like being a “midwife of the embodied experience.” Mark brings understanding to the somatic power of touch and the role of hands-on assists in the unfolding of yoga…this is a book that will surely be serving teachers for a long time.
– Shiva Rea, founder, Prana Flow®–Energetic Vinyasa, author, Tending the Heart Fire
Also available in German and Spanish.