Mark's Musings
These writings are informal reflections on practicing and teaching yoga. Click on any title to read the entire piece.
Awakening Yoga Anatomy
This is excerpted from Chapter 9 of Yoga Therapy, "Kinesiology and the Biomechanics of Movement."
The trouble with the fast lane is that all the movement is horizontal. And I like to go vertical sometimes.
Archtypes & Mythology: Surya Namskara – Bowing to the Inner Sun
Liberating Warrior I Pose
If you’ve ever taken a Vinyasa Flow class or tried Ashtanga Vinyasa, you’ve moved through Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) pose a lot. Or perhaps you sip from another cup of yoga such as Iyengar or basic Hatha in which you often hold Warrior I longer than the five breath maximum prescribed in Ashtanga.
Healing Low Back Pain with Yoga
This is excerpted from Yoga Therapy, Foundations, Methods, and Practices for Common Ailments.
(Photos showing asana details are in the book only.)
Chataranga Dandasana: An Endangered Species
Flowing with Chataranga
Chataranga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) is an endangered species, one increasingly lost in the rushed transition from Plank Pose (Phalakasana) to Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanas
The Fingers in Downward Facing Dog Pose
We often hear the instruction to spread the fingers and thumbs as wide as we can in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) and other hand support
The Origin of the Human Being in Ayurveda (From Sarngadhara’s 13th century Compendium)
Excerpted from Yoga Therapy, Chapter 2.
Mysticism & Modern Medical Science
[Excerpted from Yoga Therapy, Chapter 3, "Modern Medical Science.]
Is Yoga Good for Your Skin?
The top seven results of a Google search for the terms “skin” and “yoga” are all about the most superficial aspect of skin – not the health of the skin, but how it appears.