Alex Haley Offering Tree photo

Mindfulness, Technology, and Human Interaction with Alex Haley

Mindfulness, Technology, and Human Interaction with Alex Haley

The idea of practicing or teaching yoga and meditation through digital devices can seem contrary to yoga as a living practice. We might think that human-machine-machine-human is far from the realm of the senses, of human connection, and can only disturb its purity or power. We want the real thing. Then came Covid. From the caves of our homes, we became grateful to have some semblance of visual connection with other people in a variety of experiences, including yoga, even if through a screen. Zoom became a household word, a verb of action.

In recent years, advances in visual graphics, artificial intelligence, and haptics have set the stage for revolutionizing technology-assisted human interaction. These and related technologies are providing invaluable interactive tools for those with immobilizing health problems and other socially isolating conditions. The potential benefits to everyone are worth considering.

Alex Haley is among the pioneers developing and connecting these technologies with mindfulness and wellness practices in extraordinarily creative ways.

Highlights of this episode include:

  • The Meaning of Mindfulness
  • Practicing & Teaching Mindfulness
  • Practicing & Teaching Yoga and Mindfulness in the Digital Age
  • Distance Learning and Human-Machine-Machine-Human Interaction
  • Haptic Technology and the Near Future of Digital Interaction
  • Accessibility
  • Offering Tree


Alex Haley is a co-founder of the public benefit corporation OfferingTree, which is an all-in-one online platform for wellness professionals that handles scheduling in-person and online events, payments, websites, memberships and on-demand content.

Alex teaches meditation retreats at meditation centers throughout the United States. He currently works at the University of Minnesota where he teaches and works on clinical research in the areas of mindfulness, interactive technology, wellbeing behaviors, pain, and body awareness. Alex’s work and expertise have been featured on The Big Know, Minnesota Public Radio, and numerous podcasts.